Phu Hung Vietnam Select Investment Fund (PHVSF) is the first open-ended fund of Phu Hung Fund Management JSC which is properly run based on international standards ranging from investment analysis, risk management, and settlement. With a professional investment strategy, PHVSF invests in a variety of stocks and allocates capital to different industries that help investors to gain high growth returns for long-term objectives.

DAILY RETURN (%) -0.49 -0.61
MONTH TO DATE RETURN (%) 0.70 1.60
YEAR TO DATE RETURN (%) 0.94 4.70


Fund code PHVSF
Type of Fund Open-ended fund
Date of establishment 21/11/2022
Custodian Bank Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam JSC (BIDV)
Transfer Agent Viet Nam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation (VSDC)
Trading Day Every day, from Monday to Friday (T Day)
Cut-off time 14:30 on T-1 Day (the last working day before the T Day)
Redemption payment date Within 5 working days (T+5)
Minimum investment VND 100,000/ transaction
Subscription fee 0% subscription amount
Redemption fee Calculated for each investment, according to FIFO (based on holding period of the fund units)

  • Less than 182 days: 2% redemption amount
  • From 182 days to less than 365 days: 1.5% redemption amount
  • From 365 days to less than 730 days: 0.5% redemption amount
  • From 730 days or more: 0%

Redemption fees apply to both Normal and SIP products

Management fee 1.5% NAV/ year


Custodian Bank Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam JSC (BIDV)
Transfer Agent Viet Nam Securities Depository And Clearing Corporation
Auditor Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited
Distributors Phu Hung Fund Management JSC
VNDirect Securities Corporation
Fincorp JSC
Phu Hung Securities JSC



Vina Securities JSC


Techcom Securities JSC


Director of Investment Department

Mr. Nguyen Hoai Son

Master of Economics, ISS Institute (Netherlands) & Hanoi National Economics University
Bachelor of Finance and Banking, Hanoi National Economics University
Mr. Nguyen Hoai Son has more than 20 years of experience in the field of securities investment. Before joining Phu Hung Fund Management Joint Stock Company, He used to hold important positions in securities companies, fund management companies and insurance companies in Vietnam such as Head of Investment Department of Prudential Vietnam Life Insurance Limited, Head of Product Development Department of Prudential Vietnam Fund Management Company Limited, General Director of An Binh Securities Company, Deputy General Director and later General Director of Victory Fund Management Joint Stock Company (precursor of Phu Hung Fund Management Joint Stock Company)… Currently, Mr. Son is holding the position of Director of Investment Department of Phu Hung Fund Management Joint Stock Company (PHFM).

Vice General Director

Ms. Ho Thuy Ai

PhD in Economics, Lingnan University (Hong Kong SAR)
Master of Finance, ESCP Europe
Bachelor of Finance and Credit, Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City
Ms. Ho Thuy Ai has more than 10 years of experience in the securities industry and extensive knowledge in the economic and financial sectors. Before joining Phu Hung Fund Management Joint Stock Company (PHFM), she was a securities analyst and the ETF Project Leader of Phu Hung Securities Joint Stock Company. In 2012, she was appointed the Head of Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City of Victory Fund Management Joint Stock Company (precursor of PHFM). Since 2019, she has held the position of Manager of Investment Department of PHFM, in charge of managing investment records and managing investment activities of PHFM.